Popular motifs used in men's silver accessories
The cross motif is popular not only in men's accessories.
The cross motif has become so common in silver accessories in recent years that it can be said to be one of the three major motifs, alongside the skull and heart.We will introduce its origins and the meaning of the motif.
A common, simple cross that is used not only in silver accessories but also in antique jewelry of all types.
It was originally a religious ornament worn by Christians, originating from the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified.
Celtic Cross
The commonly known cross motif originated in Christianity and has strong religious significance, but not all cross motifs originate from Christianity; there are also motifs such as the Celtic cross used by the Celtic people.
The cross with a circle gives it a decorative, flashy and fashionable appearance, but this is also a motif that Christians have adopted from another indigenous religion.
In addition to decorating religious buildings, they are also used as grave markers (similar to gravestones) in the local area.
It is said that it was born from a fusion with Christianity, but since a solar cross similar to the Celtic cross appears to have existed in the area before the spread of Christianity, it is not known exactly when the Celtic cross was created.
Iron Cross
The Iron Cross is not a religious symbol but is based on an army medal that originated in Germany.
There is also an award given in the British Army called the Military Cross, which is awarded to those who have acted bravely against the enemy.
The cross as a talisman
There are various origins for the cross motif, but nowadays it has a strong amulet-like meaning.
In some places, it is not uncommon for a cross to be dedicated to the church as an expression of gratitude to God.
Not only crosses but also items made of various materials are offered (not only silver accessories but also brass accessories, and in some churches, wooden items), but the meaning of the offering changes depending on the shape of the item.
Tamata Milagro
Today, there is a custom called tamata in Greece and milagro (Spanish for miracle) that is still practiced in South America.
People offer accessories in the shape of a hand, a hammer, a heart, or any other shape that matches their wishes.
For example, if you want a broken leg to heal quickly, it is customary to offer silver jewelry in the shape of a leg.
It is said that the dedication of the cross is used to express gratitude for daily life, to demonstrate the piety of one's faith, and to sign a covenant with God to live as a devout believer.
Basically, accessory jewelry originates from ornaments worn by religious figures (priests, etc.) (there are various theories).
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