Dolphins are a symbol of good luck and intelligence.
The dolphin motif, which originates from maritime history, is a symbol of good fortune
Dolphins are used as a motif not only in Hawaiian jewelry but also in all kinds of accessories, jewelry, and ornaments.
They seem to have been very close to humans, who used boats for fishing and trade.
When it comes to silver accessories, I think the most common image is that it is used in Hawaiian jewelry.
Dolphins are the ones who bring good luck and love to you.
In Hawaiian jewelry, the dolphin (naia) is a popular motif alongside the turtle (honu), and it is believed that they bring good fortune along with the waves.
Since ancient times, there are stories of this animal carrying people drowning at sea, and it was a very familiar animal to humans in Etruscan and Roman cultures, as it was believed to help people during difficult voyages.
Also, because they swim harmoniously in groups, they are said to bring lovers and bring goodness (peace) within the family.
Dolphins are symbols of intelligence and publishing
Dolphins are also sometimes depicted with anchors, a design originally used as a symbol of the printing and publishing industries.
In medieval Europe, with the newly emerging field of publishing, the dolphin became popular as a symbol of the publishing industry and intelligence.